Friday, January 13, 2023

Freezin' Friday......

 It is colder outside today than yesterday.  We hit 13° F. with an unbelievable wind chill.  The south is cold today but they can't imagine 13°.  I didn't go out walking around today.

Our old house in Woodward had aa kitchen with a flagstone foundation.  Work had been done on it years before we came to town. They left flagstones pieces around on the property.  I can't believe I moved this to the new place but I did. It is my impromptu bench.  That piece is very heavy.  I need to flip it over to the smoother side.  When one drives south through Missouri one can see layers of flagstone left after they had cut away areas for the highway.  I don't think Iowa has any of it naturally under the ground.  We have a lot of limestone. 

While using my new light box, I photographed this pop up card.  The movie "UP" had a story of a man that put all of the balloons on his house to move it away from the area.  He actually wanted to travel in his house.  His neighbor boy got attached to the porch and went with them when the took off on their adventure.  The birthday card does a good job of capturing the house with balloons. 

I feel cold today and am staying inside.  Have a great Friday.


  1. New here...I can imagine how cold it is there now...Stay warm!

  2. Damp winds are really cold. We had that too. I had to wear my heavier coveralls doing chores in the morning!

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Out temps in NH have not been that cold since around Christmas. Yesterday afternoon, it was an incredible 54 degrees with rain ☔️. Today’s weather is much the same except temps are only in the mid 30s.
