Thursday, January 12, 2023

Walking Around Outside.....

 I was all dressed warmly from taking the recycle to the curb so I grabbed my camera and walked around outside.  I am told it is very cold but it didn't seem so bad as the wind has died down.  No bird bath activity will be happening today.

Without snow the garden looks like a scene from late fall.  There will be lots of work to do when it gets closer to spring in clearing the stalks and dead grasses. 

The wagon wheels and pitchfork look dismal without the hostas and lilies growing around them. The fork is an antique from my wife's grandfather's farm.  It was a centennial farm many years ago and her father worked the land after the death of the grandfather. 

The winter weather has caused the blue spruce to be more blue in color.  I really had never noticed that happening before but I guess warm weather probably changes its color.

I won't be carrying any water for livestock today. I sure did my fair share to carry water for a herd of pigs. It was my job to water them in the middle of the hot summers.  This is my water bucket for hand and tool washing while I work at the potter's wheel during warm weather.  We had this kind of bucket on the farm when I was a kid and they do still sell them for construction workers to use for concrete work. When I closed down my parent's home ten years ago my brother had a collection of these in my dad''s garage.  I would not of thought to throw a single one of them away so I now have them here at our new place.  They are great for gardening. 

Have a great Thursday.......


  1. Winter does still look like fall here if there's no snow. And I remember pails like those!

  2. Your yard looks almost spring like with no snow!

  3. I have about 50 of those buckets. My husband's Grandfather used them for collecting maple sap.
    I use them for everything, gardening, carrying water, dirt, weeds...whatever! Very handy!
