Monday, March 27, 2023

Mulling Around on Monday....

 I saw a male cardinal at the feeder. He is such a bright red. I didn't get a shot.  I did get the female cardinal eating on the other side of the feeder. She stayed for a while and I couldn't resist trying to get a shot. 

After my birthday meal out yesterday we stopped at the food center/pharmacy to pick up some meds.  I saw these in the bucket of flowers and though they need to come home with me.  I try to buy flowers for my wife often and I do enjoy them too. Pink carnations are just wonderful. 

It is so great to see these two show up at the feeder.  When they fly in they look like such large birds.  I was glad that they stayed for a while. 


They are a peaceful pair as they eat the safflower seeds with great pleasure.  I have it there for the cardinals too. 

With the birthday being over I now have to get use to saying the new number for my age. I remember as a kid wondering what it would be like to live to 2000.  Twenty three years later is seems not so unusual.  It was hard to keep track of the new century numbers for a while.  When you pick up your meds they ask you your birth date to verify things.  Normally I never hear years near mine at all a most of them are in the 1970s or 80s.  I was surprised the other day while listening to people reciting their birth date numbers and a woman said 1945.  That was the oldest one that I have ever heard.  

When I order my diabetic products to maintain its function I am always getting a call back right before they ship it to verify where I am living. They always ask if i am in the hospital or a nursing home.  I wonder if they ask that of the teenagers who  use Dexcom monitors. 

Last week I was searching for a certain name on the internet to see where he and his wife were now living.  The guy was in college with me and we have not crossed paths for a long time. He and his wife did attend our church for a few years but he moved on to find a smaller church as he didn't like the large church.  When I put in his name to find his present address, up popped up his obituary.  He had passed away three years ago. I really was hit hard with the loss of a younger cousin recently and this news sent my into a sad zone. It was too close to my own birthday and I had to figure out how to process it.  

Lowell was a kind, gentle man who was busy at so many things.  I see by the obit he ended up as a system analysist for the State of Iowa.  He worked at the State House for many years and also like to be history interpreter at our local History Farms.  He had a Seminary degree from out East. He had a teacher's degree that he never used and then he had lots of tech degrees under his belt. His wife worked at Meredith, the Better Homes and Garden company.  I guess the sadness that comes is from how the time has gone by so fast and friends that were are no more.  We were great friends when were in our early twenties and then we lost time and opportunity to  continue it.  

My wife took my out for steak yesterday for my birthday and it was great with shrimp.  We always go out to a local place on Monday's night so we are going to ease the blow of my old age by eating another meal out.  I ate things that were bad for me yesterday so tonight I will eat just meat and green vegetables.  No bread and definitely no potatoes will be consumed.  My spiking meter of high blood sugar got to be irritating and it acted as my guilty conscience. I will do better tonight.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. I see you were celebrating your birthday recently so happy birthday. We seniors sadly lose people in our lives, especially our contemporaries, to death. So many of my high school classmates are gone. As a Christian I am promised a home in heaven and hope to have happy reunions there.

  2. Sorry about your friend. At least you found out a bit of his history and communication can go two don't be so hard on yourself. Steak sounds good!!
