Tuesday, March 28, 2023


 The pussy will tree is showing is buds.  The birds are waiting for them to get further developed so they can start eating. 

It isn't such a great specimen of a tree but when the leaves sprout out things cover up the problems.  I never knew there was such a thing as a pussy willow tree until I bought this property. 

This is an encouraging sight as the iris are sprouting well.  I would think that every iris that I have planted since two years ago will bloom this year.  If not, they get moved to a different location. I didn't buy new iris this year as life seemed too busy to get them ordered.  I am waiting for the newer ones to put out blooms to find out if I have wasted my time trying to buy new ones.

My wife loves to give me pop-up cards because she knows I am still seven years old.  The card says that it was loving designed in the USA and constructed skillfully in Vietnam.  I like how calling me a classic covers for not calling me an old man.  On some days I don't feel so old. Two of my older brothers are 80 and 82 years old now so they keep calling me the baby in the family at 73. 

It is a sunny day and it looks like spring.  The temperatures are not so warm so I can't really work outside today.  I walked out to take photos and that was tolerable.  The air does feel more like spring. I thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very cool card! I bet you will have lots of Iris blooming!
