Monday, March 13, 2023

Monday's Mentions.....

 The red bud tree has to wait for the snow to be gone before setting buds.  We are getting a little bit of melting this Monday afternoon with the sun shining brightly.

I should have ventured out to clear off the snow from the feeders but it was kind of fun watching the birds dig around it all.  

The male finch is looking around wondering what should be done about the piles of snow. 

There is some seed under the snow so they are pecking around to find it.  We didn't get up to above freezing but we will tomorrow. More seed with become available. 

It is a work in progress. I am using up scraps of wainscoting to build three flower boxes.  Plastic liners will fit inside of them. I am also using scrap boards to make the base and end pieces.  The more I build the smaller my board pile becomes and that is good.  I will be painting them white to sit at the bases of my three new trellises. 

It is still pretty cold but tomorrow we many hit 35° F.  That will melt things some and it will be great.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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