Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 Sometimes this is this the only view that I get of the female cardinal.  She flits in and out so quickly.

She did give me a turn with a look back this time and she showed off her feathers.  I hope she has a nest nearby and that we will see young ones soon.

I am glad that I cleared away the dead leaves of the Siberian iris.  It really is looking healthy and promises lots of blooms. I really am not bow legged as seen in the reflection but one has to lean down to get the shot. 

My fern leaf peony has put out eight blooms this year.  It is healthy and will increase in size for sure for next year.  I had planted a spare part of this nearby and that plant put out two blooms aright now.  The history of this plant being transported by wagon train across the country in early American years. The toots are tough and they wrapped them in cloth and stowed them in a small crack in the wagon.  It is know that it did bome for Europe and my France blogger friend has one that hasn't started blooming yet.



I have two plantings of this iris in the front yard and they both look this good.  I like how this old fashion iris blooms all out and very few of the blooms die back as it fills out.  I did have to take of two dead blooms of this before the shot.  The tall hybrids so not bloom like this. 

I mowed the backyard this morning because it need it.  I had mowed it six days ago and it was really long already now.  The rains are keeping it growing and it is a good thing.  We are going to get up to 75° F. today.  It feels warm when you are out mowing in it.  It is nice to be done and tomorrow I will mow the front yard.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to the iris plants to bloom here too. Yours are beautiful.

    Hopefully, one day, I can add a different variety to my flowers. I'd like some yellow ones too!
    We've had to mow twice, once I did it by hand and thankfully hubby was able to do it with the rider.
