Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tuesday's Vusuals.....






 I am concerned as to how the blooms will fare with our heat.  I worked outside this morning and had to quit as it was too hot. I am thinking we are headed to 89° F.  I was busy with a project so I didn't get things watered.  I will do so tomorrow morning.  I found my soaker hose for my tomato plants and I may just run that this evening.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your blooms are looking fabulous, they seem to be enjoying the heat !
    Keep that hose close by, it's getting hotter...

  2. The heat was intense yesterday, but today there is a slight breeze. I am waiting for the shade to come around before doing any work in the gardens.

    I know what you are saying! My morning walks get earlier and earlier to avoid the heat!

  3. That rose is stunning! It is very warm here but we had a warm wind today and that helped:)
