Thursday, June 29, 2023

The Sun and the Moon....


 We woke up to more smoke and high humidity. Our index went up about four or five points and it does not feel good to be outside.  It didn't make any difference though as I still needed to water things.  We got a sprinkle of rain this morning while the front passed by us below in southern part of the state. 

My Easter lilies are now blooming while the regale lilies are all spent now.  They just turned brown a couple of days ago.  I don't know the kind of lily the Easter lily is but it is different than the regale. 

This Asiatic lily is doing well now and the slight rain should help it some.  I will carry water for it tomorrow. I want to keep those buds blooming. 

My window view with the sun is causing St. Francis to glow. I like how one takes a photo and wonders why I didn't pull the dead leaf out from that plant. 

I have always admired jade plants and  wish that I could grow them big like some of the ones that I see on the market.  I did finally get one to grow and my secret is to just ignore in and water it very seldom.  I give it a good drink but not very often just like a cactus.  I did have one part of this break off a year ago and In ow have successfully grown a second one. 

I worked outside a little today but found it was the day to talk to all the neighbors.The woman to the north and the man to the south.were needing me to listen.   I also had a conversation with two dog walkers with their two Yorkies.  I was asked about my variagated dogwood and she wanted to take a leaf home with her to see if she could buy one.  When I told her the name she was really excited that I did know. When I told er it was a memorial planting for the loss of our border collie she got a little teary eyed.  So all of us were out filling our lungs with the humidity and smoke. All the conversations did cut in on my work outside.

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful of all the smoke Larry. Della too. Good that you got some visiting in!
