Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Fish in the Tank....

 They are fish and not flowers.  I thought I needed to get off the flowers theme for a moment. The two angel fish live together but the one nips on the other one's tail. 

The victim is this fish as you can see its tail has bites out of it.  I am trying to feed them more often hoping that it will stop. If they are two males I guess I could separate them but that would mean too many tanks. 

The bully doesn't have any nips on its tail. He has grown to be so big. He actually has great angel fish markings but that doesn't cover it that it is a cannibal.  Angel fish are in the cichlid fish family and a lot of them are very aggressive and they can't be put into just a community tank.  I use to have a fish called a convict cichlid and you can imagine why it was named that.



I have more guppies than I can count.  I bought a different male guppy so that the offspring will look differently than what I have here.  I have them in my largest tank and change the water often to keep the water quality at its best. Taking out a tenth of the water and replacing it with fresh helps keep the water from becoming dangerous full of nitrate. 

The former owner put in stepping stones to get to his vegetable garden.  I finally decided to rework his design.  I have ignored it but when I look down at the stones it is crazy looking.  The diagonal stones are now removed. This is a photo of it in progress. When I get all the diagonal ones out I am reusing them to make a new set of stepping stones. I am filling in the holes with sod and I know it will take a year to get rid of the old hole scars.  I shared with my wife that I would never have put stepping stones out there.  I inherited the problem.  I could have just put dirt on top of them and the grass would probably have grown over them.  I guess it is a creative problem to solve.  I know my one neighbor made a snide comment about them a year ago and I just thought they are what they are.  Now I think I can make things look better.


I have laid them on top of the grass to figure out the new configuration.  I am going to leave them on the grass to give me time to rearrange if they need it.  Plus, getting the grass killed out so I can see where I will need to dig the holes to set them in the ground.  You can see the holes in the background where I removed them and I do have the sod filled in already.  It finally just got too hot this morning and I had to just quit working.

I have many shots of lilies and Asiatic lilies that I will share another day.  This Asiatic lily I moved to the new place.  Eventually it will create more bulbs and I will have many stalks of it.  The flower seems to be weathered but I am hoping all the other buds will produce great blooms.

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