Monday, June 5, 2023

Monday It Is....

 A genetic mishap took place with this old fashioned iris. I call them cemetery iris from old.  The two blooms are on one stem.  The are different colored. The all blue one is one that I don't have in the collection so I was surprised to see it there.  When I checked it out trying to find the host plant I realized it was coming off of the same branch in a V with the different color.  It may never happen again but I am glad I got to photograph it.  I went back today and all the iris are now spent. 

I forgot about this peony as I didn't plant it.  Arlyn the former owner planted it.  It is such a pitiful plant that has not multiplied in the six years that I have lived here. The clay soil needs to be built up with black top soil. The two years of drought probably cause it to have dead buds.  When I saw the perfect white bloom I was so pleased. It has only one stem coming off of the plant.  I have another white that came from the old place but it isn't perfectly white.  I am sure the guy bought this at a nursery.

The rains are necessary so I can't complain as to how it destroyed flowers.  They are coming back but hardy geraniums are slow to restore blooms. 


 This young male cardinal was hanging around for a short time.  We have seen him out and about.  He is just out of the nest and he flies around radically as if he doesn't have control.  I am glad we had a least one new hatched one.  I hope we see more of them from the nest.  

Using the wheel barrow I finally unloaded the truck of my buys from Ace of last week.  I had 3 bags of sand and two bags of mulch to carry down the hill to our back yard area.  These bricks I carried in the barrow two at a time. I had to get out my gloves for the brick.  I have a new creative idea for them but no solid design plan has been finished in my head. I am going to leave them lay there for a while and keep consulting my idea books. 

It is a very humid day today even though we aren't as hot as in the past.  It isn't too good to be outside.  The smoke smell is strong again today and adding it to the humidity one runs out of wind quickly.  I took lots of breaks between my seven trips wheel barrowing down the hill. 

Have a great Monday.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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