Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thursday's Things....

I am listening to tunes through my hearing aids on my iPhone. I looked over and saw the little bunny eating a large leaf sitting on the ledge. I switched my phone to the camera and got the shot.

I had pulled some weeds out of of the garden area and this guy was devouring the large leaf so quickly. 

I took a phone shot the day before to share my growth of my sunflower.  I planted many seeds but only one of the mammoth sunflower seeds actually germinated.  

I ran out of deck screws yesterday so I couldn't finish my stairs.  This morning I got a box of them, different brand, fifteen bucks, and I still ran out.  I dug through my supply of screws and found some to finish the job.  They were not officially called deck screws but they were three inches long and did the job.  I  have to put in some screws under the flower boxes after the plants have frozen this fall but I am calling it done. 

We are warmer today but the breeze makes it more pleasant.  We are looking at hotter weather in the future.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. That bunny is so cute, we have two bunnies one larger and one quite small. We also have a fox in the area.:(
