Thursday, July 6, 2023

Thursday's Things.....


 The spiral design of the morning glory bud indicates that it will bloom the next day.  I have a lot of blooms this morning but I don't have any visuals of them to share.  I was getting the soaker hose working to water all the tomatoes and morning glories are growing there too. 



A cow bird showed up at the feeder this morning. They have that distinct brown head with a black body. I saw a cardinal the other day but they are sure being scarce at the feeder. 



This daylily has strong colors that make it look lest delicate than some of the daylilies. The crossbreeding of them means there are so many choices of colors and color combinations.

I moved this coneflower to this new location last summer.  It seems to be having deformed blooms.  I may sprinkle my good top soil on it and dig it in a little.  It is a heavy clay soil zone. 

The hosta and hose seem to be partners.  I planted the hosta there at a whim and it is doing well under the drippy hose nozzle.  The area is at the top of my stairs that I am working on right now.  I don't have photos of the new stairs floor.  All the work is in progress.  I had 25 eight foot boards and I have used up half ot them so far.  I cut each of them in half and I have laid them in place but nothing is attached. The job is difficult and I am taking tomorrow off from the two days of work. 

We have cooled down for a few days.  The breeze is pleasant and it is not hot.  The sun is still hot while working outside.  I just work mornings.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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