Friday, July 7, 2023

Shabbat Shalom.....

 It got so warm to work that I took off the shirt and hung it on the post at the bottom of the stairs. It made a perfect scarecrow because I kept thinking some person was standing over my shoulder.  My one neighbor lady is good at creeping up on me when I am not looking so that is why I kept being bothered by the shirt blowing in the wind behind me..

A plan is coming together.  I have almost all of the boards cut and are laying in place for now. I will need to go back for more wood but maybe now I can figure out exactly how many boards that I will need. Nothing is nailed down yet so don't judge the spaceings as they are a little off for now. All steps will be covered and it should look like a new stairway.

I had to stop working early this morning as I had to go have a hearing aid checked out.  I have been hearing out of one ear and not so much out of the other.  They replaced it as the receiver was declared broken, maybe dead.  It is an all new world and my wife says we can turn the television down now. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That is a big project! It is looking good! That will be a nice looking area when you are done:)

  2. That is some project!

    Love the sunflower! I have one getting ready to blossom here. Funny how most of them were over 9 feet tall last year and many are only 4 foot this year.
