Friday, August 18, 2023

Friday's Finds....


I have a fritillary  butterfly out with my zinnias.  I had to look it up to find its name.  There are numerous kinds of them and I am not trying to be specific with its name right now.  It was a little jittery around me so I had to zoom to get to it rather than stand close to it. 

I am thinking that I should be watering these.  In a couple of days we are going to head into the high 90s and maybe 103° for a couple of days.  I know they won't die but I bet the blooms could last a little longer.

I ventured into the back side of the zinnias to get to the tall weed.  It reminded me of something my dad call pig weed. I may be wrong but I get lots of weeds that come from the remains of a former cornfield. I also found the milkweed type vine clinging and climbing over it and in the zinnias. It felt good to get it out of there. 

I rescued an iris this morning that had been planted in a good spot at first.  As the things grew up around it I find it was in a bad spot.  I move iris any time in the summer.  The iris was struggling and quit bloomnig the past too years as it was in too much shade. I mixed good black soil in with the clay soil to plant it out in the sunny area.  I will water them for at least a couple of weeks to get them settled. 


I caught her in the sunshine yesterday.  The feathers reflect to give it color.  Most of the time I can only get shaded photos of my humming birds in the afternoon so I have to station myself in the window in the morning.  I spent the morning in the yard working at lots of different projects.  I had to spot mow some of my yard early morning when it was cool.  We have a strong wind that keeps us comfortable this afternoon.  Thanks for stopping by today.