Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Heat Zone.....

 The morning glories have been fertilized and new top soil sprinkled in to get them greened up a little.  The heat and humidity is overwhelming today.  I am sure the blooms have shriveled up already.

Earlier in the morning I found my fritillary butterfly warming itself in the sun while perched on some hosta leaves. 


The shot through the grasses shows it opening and closing its wings to get its body warmed up.  I have not had this kind of butterfly for a lot of years.  Even though we are in a drought zone some of our rains must have helped to bring them in to our area. 



The bottom photo was one I took a couple of days ago. It seems to want to pose for me as I have rarely shot a pose like this.  It was a friendly butterfly. 

I rescued another iris this morning, digging it out of a shaded location.  It was also in clay saturated soil.  I saw that they were trying to put out new sprouts so I now have it in good black topsoil. I'll be watering it regularly to protect it from the future heat.  I do know that rhizomes are pretty tough so I am not too worried about moving them this time of the year.  

While out this morning my neighbor showed me his phone pictures of his second home in Arizona.  The purpose of sharing it was that his one large cactus that was growing in his front yard had fallen over into the neighbor's yard. He was called by the neighbor and Doug had to call a guy to come take it away. Judging by the size of it on the ground it must have been at least 9 feet tall.  He was glad he had a garden guy who could deal with it and he didn't have to drive down to deal with it.  I guess if they land on peoples houses that the cactus can do damage to houses. 

My sunflowers may fall over but I don't have to worry about  that here in corn and bean county.  We will be inside for most of the time the next few days. Heat warnings are out there for us for a while. I can water early morning but it is going to be very hot for the next few days.  We live in Iowa and we have had temps like that many times before. Some of you bloggers think I live in the south but we aren't.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We have the heat warning too, it is going to be a warm night and some very hot days.
    The mules will get a break from their riding and get to lounge in the shade and breezes.
    I have to water tonight I think.
    Wasps are coming to the water bowl I have outside for the dog! I guess they need water too!

    Your morning glories look awesome!

  2. I like those Fritillary butterflies, but very rarely see them.
