Monday, August 21, 2023

Steamy Steam....


It is morning and the humidity is high. Tthe camera reacts to it and I had to keep wiping off the lens. The camera did warm up though after a while and I could take shots freely.  This afternoon it is 9f° F. and 61% humidity.  It is like walking in a steam room when I went out for the garbage can. 



The hydrangea is next to the house and is showing wear in this heat. The last of the flowers are barely hanging on to finish its season.

Most of my geraniums are out of bloom because of the drought and now heat.  This one is protected under the deck and it looks colorful even though it is weathered a little. 

My sunflowers seed that were planted later in the spring are getting ready to put on flower heads. They are planted near the tomatoes and tomorrow when I run the soaker hose they can get benefit from it. 

My brother in California did survive during the hurricane and earth quake.  He got some good rains to wash away a lot of dust a dirt off his back yard.  His palm trees are still standing as the storm ended up being just a good rain storm for him.  The winds were not any worse than a normal thunderstorm.

I have been cleaning aquariums today.  I have an empty extra one that I set up and transfer fish from their tank to the temp.  I was cleaning the one outside this morning but I won't be returning outside to clean the next one.  I can clean the next one inside in the downstairs bathtub.  I have three tanks so it is a two to three day job to get them all clean and shiny again.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Stay cool if you need to.


  1. Be careful with taking the camera in and out of high humidity. In extreme temps, I take out my waterproof pocket camera which won't be damaged by sudden changes in the weather.

    That said, you sure are busy! Hopefully this heat and humidity doesn't last too long!

  2. Glad your brother is okay. Stay cool:)
