Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday's Steam.....




 It is a good day to just stay inside. Our humidity level is so high that it affected the sunlight this morning.  The heavy humidity makes 94° F. feel like 108° F.  We were are at 75° F. when we started the day.  It is suppose to be worse as we go through the week.  We are as hot as my brother in Arizona and my other brother is dealing with the hurricane named Hilary.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hope your brothers are save in this heat and the hurricane!

    Yep, I was out pre dawn so I could freshen all the stock tanks and feed the critters. Everyone has shade. I even gave the flowers a drink.
    Indoors here!

  2. We were chilly today, hope you stay cool inside! Your roses are lovely!
