Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Not......

They are so small which I think adds to their novelty. Their humming wings are somewhat threatening when they zoom around your head while one is out working with the grill on the deck. 


 When they are in the shade and no light reflects off of them, they can appear to be brown in color. The light on this one this morning did brighten it up to reflect some green.

After lunch time, the sun was shining in the location and the reflected color is wonderful.  I have three of them out there right now. I have yet to see a male hummingbird at the feeder. I assume they are migrating as I having seen any for most of the summer. 

I set up my table in the shop to finish nailing the shelf unit together.  I found some nails the right size and nailed more on the joints to make it stronger. This shows it upside down as I am getting ready to paint it. 

The first coat of paint is on, all sides, and it will get its final coat tomorrow. The paint is an exterior paint, acrylic, that works well.  It looks like the paint that is on the painted furniture that we bought. It has a soft texture to it and yet is really smooth and white. 

I was surprised by a blue morning glory this morning.  It is a variety that I got from one of my students when I was teaching.  She lived right next to the school and I could see the vines in bloom every day.  I bribed her with a gift in exchange for some seeds.  I had never planted them until we moved down here.  I collected this seed from them a couple of summers ago when I did plant the seed. The seed was loose in an unmarked jar so I didn't know what I was going to get.   I will collect seed for sure and get it well marked for next year. I like the magenta red a lot but a blue mixed in is nice too.

We are 96° F. today. That is 35.556° C. for those who don't do F. It is hot and we are getting a strong wind from the south of which is where the heat is coming. The grass is completely dormant again and most flowers are spent.  I will start to cut down my tomato plants for the season as I have only one last tomato to pick and all the rest are done. dead.  It has been a poor season for them.  I keep the morning glories watered but they look sick from the heat. I will stay on keeping the roses watered as they still are blooming.

Thanks for stopping by this day.


  1. Nice looking morning glories! I have blue and the purple and white ones! I was so excited to see how well they have been doing.
    I think the flowers all around are just about done with this heat and dry weather.

    One more day!
