Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday's Here....

 A beautiful start of the day with the sun creeping up among the clouds. The rays showed up in my photo but by the naked eye it was to bright to see the light streams.

It is a cool morning and the morning glories really like it.  The vine has just now taken off and started to bloom this past week for the first time this summer.

I took too many photos but the blue flowers were posing for me at all angles. Stephanie's seeds are such a gift.  I could call them Stephanie blue as I don't know the name of them. I have mixed feelings about sharing things but Stephanie and her husband have two wonderful girls.  They just recently went through the trial of losing a premature baby girl.  I still want to remember all the good things that she does have and her joy of sharing these seeds with me made her smile wide when she handed them to me probably eight or nine years ago.

I earlier shared some shriveled up rose hips but these are doing well.  I shoot water down the his to water the bush whenever I am watering the front yard plants. 

Three fourths of my zinnias now look like this.  I went out this morning and clipped off heads for seeds for next year.  I cut some that were completely dead and others that still had partial color on them.

My sand bucket that I rescued from the school dumpster works well for lots of things.  The handles gave out years ago but I still always have it handy for moving dirt, collecting seeds or watering.  I like to sit down in the middle of winter and pull off the seeds from the zinnia heads and put them into jars.  I will be greedy and probably will collect more next week because I don't want to run out of the seed.  I still have some from last years harvest though.


 I cut out, pulled out more tomatoes and grass and weeds this morning.  I discovered the small romas laying on the ground.  I did find my labels of the tomatoes next to the plants so I know which ones that I really want to buy next year. The Golden Yellow tomato was labeled as an heirloom and it produced better than any of the other plants this year. 

I keep working at clearing the gardens where I can.  The weather has been good for two days now and it helps to get out and pull and dig to get things out of the ground.  I rescued an iris this morning that somehow was under the mulch and sprouted up through it.  I guess it had died down and I had covered it up.  It was a big rhizome so it was an easy one to plant elsewhere.  I am liking our newer cooler temps but rain still isn't promised.  There may be a surprise shower may come over the weekend.

Have a good Friday.


  1. The Morning Glory is so pretty against the white trellis! It is called Heavenly Blue! Enjoy the cooler weather...we sure are!

  2. Those morning glories are beautiful! I have pink, blue, and I saw a white blossom on mine the other day!

    I collect my zinnia seeds in the same exact way!
