Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thursday's Things.....

 I work outside until my body says enough, go sit down.  As I sat in my chair, a creature came scampering.  I spoke to him and he retreated far enough that he thought he was safe.  I know they are very near-sighted and he sat as if I couldn't see him.  I grabbed my camera and zoomed through all the garden furniture and support posts and too a shot. They come from across the street and stay until my hunter neighbor captures them.

I worked outside this morning in the cold.  I wore a parka with the hood up to keep warm. I took down the screens that protected my tomato bed and my other flower bed.  The rabbits would eat off my glads so I kept the screening around the beds all summer. It didn't really matter though as the glads were hurt by the drought with only four stems of blooms were produced.  The tomatoes get animals snacking on them so the screens were still up.  The drought cause me to have the worse crop that I have had here in six year.  I am removing the tomato stems and clearing some weeds.  Screens are all stacked in the pile for the winter.

The one hosta is in the shade and is still blooming at this time.  You can see the lily of the valley are dormant and the leaves are dead. 

While clearing out the plants I noticed my volunteer tomato was a yellow pear.  The total amount of crop that I got from that is shown in the shot.  I did discover the red tomato laying on the ground as I was clearing out things.

My mum plants were trimmed back in July and they still are flowering early. They have been watered but the look is not so great.  They do get watered when the roses get their drinks so it has kept going.

At my last count I have three hummingbirds.  One adult female and two smaller females.  They smaller ones are sort of friends and will eat at the feeders at the same time.  I could have more but I don't have camera evidence of the number.  They do migrate and I am assuming that it is why I am seeing them now. They put on a show for most of the day except when the morning temps are so cold. They started showing up by ten in the morning.

The moving into fall has happened too suddenly.  We are still about 9 inches behind in rainfall and that seems to be shutting plants down early.  It is Thursday and it has been a low key day.  I work and then I rest and then I work again.  My neighbors are not out working out as much anymore as the they don't need to mow grass. Our swimming pool neighbors have been using their pools a lot over the last weekend but now all is quiet as everyone is back to work on the weekdays.  The one family had different kinds of parties all there days.  All the high school boys showed up one day.  The twin girls, young, had an all girl party, and the rest have family parties. The ball game parties are loud and then the games are over and it gets quiet.  We stay inside and out of our pool, not.  We have no pool.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Fall is coming on strong. Chilly here this was in the 30's:(

  2. Great shot of the chipmunk, soon they will be gone into hibernation and won't visit.
    Yes, so many plants are suffering through this dry weather.
    I noted that the plants in the woods are dried up and losing their leaves already.

    I walk and make dust!
