Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Summer and Beyond.....


Our low was 74° F. this morning.  It is suppose to cool off in the next few days but 94° F. is promised. I need to start shifting to the fall chores mode but I am not going to hurry to start.


 I almost missed seeing this while I was out taking photos of the roses. I need to look it up to see what the butterfly is called. The spotted end is the tail end of the insect and the bottom part in the photo is its head where it is collecting nectar. 

Click on the photo and see that head and its spotted antennae. It is small but I don't think it is a moth but a butterfly. 


The pink rose has less flowers but it is putting out great blooms.  I am getting to the end of the season of shots for outside so I will shoot as many as I can for now.

The neighboring bush is Gary and Judy's knock out rose.  It is doing well and Gary spends a lot of time deadheading it to keep it going. 

I keep remarking how this bush was only a foot tall in the shade.  When I moved it out into the sun it became a great showy rose.  The pink one sits right next to the neighbors red one and it looks really great at the edge of that area.  I really never dreamed that the pink rose was going to do well out there in the hot sun. 

There are other birds that also tip there head back to drain the fluid down there throat. The glow is so amazing when it perches in the sun. 

It is Tuesday and I have my furniture piece to finish today.  I may water a few things today but it is useless to water dead plants.   I have a few hostas and an aster to keep alive. The sedum seems to kike more moisture even though they are tough in the drought. 

I water this daily to keep my zinnia garden on the desk going. My expensive flower pot with cheap zinnias makes me smile and the hummingbirds do visit the flowers often.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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