Monday, September 25, 2023



It is unusual to see green leaves on this tree.  From underneath one sees green but the tree actually is a Crimson King Maple and the leaves look dark red or almost black from the outside view.  The leaves are starting to fall from the tree and the leaves look crumbled and are black. 


 As I mowed the back yard this morning I noticed the angel is always on guard she is in need of a paint job. 

The zinnias responded to a little bit of rain.  The last of the buds are in bloom even though they are small. I need to collect more seed to be sure that I have a good variety of colors for next year's planting.

I should tag the ones that I really like because when they die back one can't see the original color. 

Our weather is good.  Our rains never come to our area. I got all of my yard mowed and it looks good if you don't look at the dormant patches.  I will rest for the rest of the day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. We are getting rain and the zinnias are doing their last hurrahs before the frost. I keep gathering seeds!

    It has rained now for the last few days and suddenly it looks like I need to mow the yard! But it is nice to see things greening up again.
