Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Last of Summer....


 One lone blue morning glory blends with the sky. The back view of white divisions decorates the trumpet shape. Our days are shorter and that is causing the vines to be in decline. 

The Russian sage is full of small flowers that do attract the few bumble bees of the area.  It has had a good year with me watering them often. 

It is the last of days for the phlox.  Some are drying down and I will be clipping them down in the next few weeks. 

The rainfall from a couple of weeks ago has caused the grass to be green again.  It has gone dormant many times this summer and we now have grass tall enough to be mowed again.  I mowed the front yard last evening so that it would look good for the neighbor who is trying to sell his house.  He keeps things mowed up and I try to keep it up so it makes his property look better.  His grass is in perfect shape so my mowing just covers the line between our properties. 

We never got a storm yesterday. Those north of us did recieve rain.  We are cooler now and that is nice temps for being outside.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Yippe! Your grass looks nice and green now. We got that rain and boy it sure made the grass green up and look nice. Now we will have to mow!

    Russian Sage is a plant I think I'd like to add to my garden!
