Wednesday, September 6, 2023

No Rain.....


We watched the clouds with high hopes but they just stay north and east of us. Today the north and eastern neighbors are actually getting rain.  It is said we are almost nine inches behind in rainfall. 

As you can see it is too late for the monarda bee balm.  The honeysuckle next to it is almost gone too. 

The rose hips are pretty much gone on this bunch.  I have others that look pretty healthy.

The wasp does know where the nectar is kept on this sedum  I have seen mostly bumble bees and wasps this year.  I don't remember seeing a honeybee yet. 

I now have two smaller hummingbirds at the feeders.  They actually will feed together. They seem to be smaller and can't or won't sit on the rail to eat.  They only eat while flying. I couldn't get any shots for a while but now in the past two days I have taken more shots than I can share.

Maybe they are successful hatched ones but I have no proof of that.  I do know that they are smaller compared to what I will call the adult. 

Here is the one that I call the adult.  It is cold this morning outside.  I was out with a long sleeved shirt and it still seemed chilly.  We will warm up ot 84° F. by this afternoon when I will be grilling steaks on the deck.  I picked the last tomato this morning but didn't have enough energy to start cutting the plants down.  I know it is too early but I will go ahead and do the fall chores early.  I have peony bushes that are ready to be cleared also.  We got our big grocery shopping done yesterday afternoon so we will be settled in for awhile with no place that we have to travel.  It is somewhat strange but everyone is back to work now and all the kids are back into school.  The neighborhood seems so quiet on weekdays.  A couple of our kids must be in daycare as they are too young for school. 

Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Rain for us today, finally. It's been a dry August and first week of September, the woodline is already showing signs of Autumn
    I love your Sedum, such a forgiving plant, not demanding, as others are.
    Sending rain your way. ☔

  2. The rain went around us too but we had a mist yesterday afternoon so any little bit helps.

    Your bee balm looks like it is done! Wow! Mine are still on their way out. I will cut them all down this fall too.
    The sedum looks like it can survive anything!

  3. The little hummers are fun to watch, ours should be leaving soon.
