Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Freeze and Thaw......


We had a high of 35 degrees F.  The birds needed to hang out and eat a lot of seed to keep warm.



I brought in the reblooming coneflower. It was a day too late.  I had not thought about it but it now is inside.

I have an iris that decided to also rebloom. I have it wrapped in cloth hoping it can develop far enough along that I too can bring it in. 

I spent my morning cleaning and reorganizing my shop this morning. I couldn't resist to snap a shot of my one Christmas tree that is ready to go out as an outside tree.  The ornaments remain attached to the branches and I didn't cover it with a sheet like i did some of the others. 

In the low wind chill temps my neighbor proceeded to get down the majority of his Halloween decorations today.  It had to be cold as the wind was blowing 17 mph and it is so cold. The kids were out and about last night with their winter coats.  I could see them out the back window.  I didn't participate with the tricks and treats this year as I just could not sit out on the front step and hand out the sugar filled treats.  I felt bad that I couldn't but I did think back about when covid shut it all down for two years.  It is a good time for me to talk to my neighbor kids that I only see at a distance.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. It sure was cold yesterday! Brrr. We had a quiet day just watching the winds and the snow.

  2. You can always set a bowl of candy on your steps with a sign that says Help yourself!
