Monday, November 6, 2023

A Good Start for Me.....


It is about time to remove the angel from the secret garden.  He sits there all alone only in view when one walks around behind the large blue spruce.  I am going to be seeing hostas popping up all along the front of the bench next spring. I also have in mind of finding a small animal sculpture to sit on the other end of the bench. I don't remember what else I put back there but I think I will be surprised when I see it. The bricks are from an almost abandoned coal mining town of Moran, Iowa.  The bench slab is a leftover slab of flagstone that was used as a foundation for my old house's kitchen foundation.  It was used back 115 years ago when the house was built.  

The former owner of our home moved to Boston, leaving a lot of his garden pieces behind. I think I need to shine this up a bit so it can be more easily viewed.

As the time changes I have to watch more carefully to see sunsets like this. I could see a slight amount of pink out my south eastern window so I went out the front door, northwest, to see this.  It will be dark tonight at five o'clock. We will just have to get use to it.



The privet is a yellow all summer and now as fall hits the newer leaves seem to be green. The freezes really haven't bothered it much. The changing of the light is probably causing more of the change.  

I worked outside this morning clearing away the morning glory vines. I collected seeds from them even though I have a couple of jars full of them already.  It is just hard not to harvest some.  We are having a warmer day today and it is nice to be outside. I waited to mow the front yard as there are the two trees still dropping leaves.  I need to cut back the roses sometimes this week. i don't always get it done but it does make it easier in the spring with the pruning already finished. 

Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. You can never have too many Morning Glory seeds! I will reveal the Christmas Ornament when the bulk of them have been mailed! Hint: We never have them at our feeders:)
