Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thouroughly Thursday....

 Sunrise is looking good. We are going to be overcast all day but we will warm up a bit.  The wind is strong so a jacket helps take off the chill. 

Mac Book Air, 15 inch, M2, 2023.  I had worn out my keep board and this keyboard is a little bit larger. It is an adjustment but it is a good one. I really like it as it is a bigger screen than I had before. 

We have new construction going on in our neighborhood. There was a meadow down the hill south of the row of houses.  They built it in the last three years.  I thought they were done but there must have been one more free lot. The row of houses at the bottom of the hill is in our city but behind them is Saylorville, Iowa.  The house designs in that development have a quarter of a story high of basement above the ground and then they put two story houses on that foundation.  It makes them all looking like tall houses. They look like they are hovering over the houses in our city as they are common height two story homes.

  I wanted to let the birds eat off all the berries before I trimmed it down. This photo shows the evidence of where all the berries were attached.  They really had cleaned them of the bush. I took my bags of sticks to the recycle today. I am glad to get them gone. Some years I am stuck with a couple of those hanging around in the garage all winter. 

I met our new neighbor guy this morning.  The large moving truck was in front of their house and they have been busy for moat of the morning unloading it. The are moving here from Denver.  He liked the three car garage plus shop in the house and she liked all the windows with a side sunroom to grow plants. I do think they will miss seeing the mountains but I guess there is family in the state.  Greg told me his age for some reason and he is exactly the same age as me.  He is a woodworker so the shop will be good for him.  It is Thursday and I did get a lot of things done this morning. I did a lot of work getting t hings on the patio ready for winter weather.  That won't be so fun.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Glad you met your neighbors! You will have a lot in common! Nice computer! I still like my desktop but someday I might use a laptop. My husband has one but he hardly ever uses it...he likes the desktop too:)

  2. Sounds like you and your neighbor have some things in common.
    I like your laptop. I went to laptops right away and love the ability to move it around and take it with me.
