Friday, July 12, 2024





 I had a computer blog issue and I did get it figured out after a day of struggling. . It just wouldn't let me load visuals.  

I worked outside today until it just got too hot to be out there. Others are still outside working in my neighborhood. It is a typical July day.  I have a project going on with my outside stairs that I will share later on. I did run out of wood and will have to make a trip to get some more. I have two major lumber stores so it isn't a problem in finding enough wood.  

Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Glad you got your blogger problem fixed. That Phlox is beautiful, you got some great early morning or evening light in that photo!

Val Ewing said...

You always have a neat project going on! That is great.

We are going to be hot and I am not going to work outside other than my regular chores this weekend. Too hot, too muggy, too buggy!
Stay cool!