Friday, September 20, 2024




My wife had an appointment this morning at the hospital this morning with a couple of radiologists . We made the time and we are back home. The place must miss me and my eating at the cafeteria. I did get a Starbucks coffee as I was so cold I needed to warm up. The place is so busy that I had sensory overload with the cars in the parking lot to the people just moving everywhere going in every direction around me. I was glad to get out of there. 

Back at home I am working on things in the yard. I am getting to the last of my tomatoes. There are such a few green ones left and it seems like fall is coming too quickly. 

I don't know if I should deadhead my roses. They have been neglected so I may be just trimming them back for winter. The cluster was full of roses in many different stages of blooming. 

The sedum in the backyard is laying down for some reason.  We tend to look like we are in a drought as my iris have flattened and other plants seem deficit of water.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday's Things....

 We were promised to have rain  It amounted to wetting the deck for about ten minutes. It was good to get some moisture. 

My few stems of sunflowers are starting to droop. They are dry but they also are maturing to the point that the flowers will  point down. I have to work really hard to get a good shot of them.

It is a good color scheme as the zinnias are blooming so many different colors. The flowers are starting to age.  I saw a monarch butterfly on my sunflowers for only a fleeting moment and then it was gone. I just didn't get any this year. On the side, my birds are all gone.  I don't know what that means as sparrows seem to never leave.  Maybe the birds that migrate through will start to show up soon. 

My wife's welcome home bouquet has many roses in it. This one lonely pink one really does show off among them all. 

We are making meatballs for supper tonight.  My wife isn't so strong but she can master the ingredients and I can help form the balls.  She can't be on her feet for along time but she is doing better. I will take instructions on the fry pan and doing the cooking part.  Sauce and boiling water for spaghetti I can handle. 

We return for a procedure tomorrow for her.  Hopefully she will have some drains removed for good. It will not be fun to return to the same place that we lived for so long.  We have a new paint color for our new bathroom selected but the paint hasn't been purchased yet.  If I can buy it, I can work on it at little at at time.  I successfully mounted the two towel racks into new locations as the new shower caused them to be taken down. I can just keep on it whenever I find a free moment of time. Thanks for stopping by today.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Moon News....


 The quiet moon is full with the whole earth being lighted by its reflection of light from the sun. I didn't see any eclipse. I did enjoy seeing the glow and the full moon is always wonderful to see. 

We are home from a 20 day stay at the hospital. She was greeted with flowers from here grandkids and their parents. It was a marvelous bouquet with so many varieties of flowers. 

The healing power of quiet is amazing. We spent so much time at the hospital being bombarded by well meaning people doing their jobs. No three in the morning wake ups from the lab people to draw blood. Full lights are turned on off and on all night.  Screaming Carol was there for most all of the stay as the poor woman's mind was angry and she screamed about doing the laundry and also being mistreated. Quiet is a being not just a word. We live in a quiet neighborhood even though their are traffic noises off in the distance or jet planes flying over in the middle of the night but none of them are a continue bombardment of peace. 

My wife is feeling so much better.  She had developed an infection that could not be found but she had to stay until her white count was normal. The surgery was on the first day of the twenty days and we came home with a few drains to maintain. She will need to return for two different appointments to have the drains removed and another to have a stent removed.  She is strong enough to walk with or without her walker.  She lost a lot of weight again and I will encourage her to eat as often as possible. Everyday is going to be a time for good sleep and healing. It is so nice to be at home. 

I mowed the back yard today as it was so long overdue. The backyard gets a lot of shade so it was tall and green back there. In the front it is a different story. We are going into dried grass season and we need to have rain. I could spot mow some areas in the front. We are getting hot days again but we do cool off at night. I missed blogging yesterday. It was a settling in time. I am so glad to be able to blog on my laptop again. Thanks for stopping by today.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Going Home from the Hospital…

We are going home today sometime this afternoon.
We will not miss this window view. 

 A divider that separates the emergency room garbage doors and the parking lot is planted with these kind of flowers and grasses.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunny Day…

My past shots of the sun showed the sun right in the middle between the two buildings. As the earth keeps tilting back the sun is peaking from behind the one structure.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sat Stuff….

I spent the night at the hospital so this morning I drove home to clean up and feed the birds and fish. I ran outside to pick tomatoes to rescue them from the chipmunks. I had my phone with me so I snapped a few shots. 


 In the main lobby of the hospital is a place for young children to play.  I like all the different forms and this bird is so well designed. The surfaces are smooth like fiberglass and young ones can just climb or slide all over their surfaces. The bird looks like a cartoon illustration with its minimal but happy expression. One time I saw a dad who was down on the floor crawling around like a worm with his kids.

Doing my blog on the cell phone just drives me crazy. It is too challenging as it controls things in such a disgusting way. I guess if I would just share one image it would simplify things.
My wife is better. The side developments from the initial surgery are getting to be so much better. The infection is gone but the are being cautious to be sure nothing new happens. At one she had a lot of drain tubes and now she is down to three.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Around the Place…

The artist painted a pair of abstract paintings of fruit. The two belong together. I am sure the artist didn’t plan on them to be hung at the end of a vending machine hallway in a hospital.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Morning of Thursday…

It seemed large and very close to the earth this morning but the cell phone camera diminishes it instead.

The sun is shining with a clear sky this morning.

 The view out of the hospital cafeteria shows the side views of buildings and parking ramp. The sun doesn’t come into focus here.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Garden Retreat….

The balcony created on the top of one of the flat tops of the hospital gives them a great gardening space.


 The different varieties of flowers create their own unique look.   The date of blog says Tuesday but actually I did it Wednesday at 12:40 am.

Tuesday….Same O

A photo taken of an Iowan landscape. Knowing the artist who took the shot, it was a planned prairie garden near Winterset, Iowa.

Sometimes one can just get lucky to catch a good shot. My own sunflower display in my backyard.


Bucket boy continues to watch over the petunias.