Sunday, August 4, 2024

Another Hot Day....


The backyard view of shared garden areas show my neighbor's red roses next to my pale pink rose bush. The shared garden area started back before I purchased the place. Gary has now moved out of the house because of illness and I help to maintain his side also. 



My zinnia patch on the left side of the cottage garden is starting to take off.  The hummingbirds are loving all the multicolored flowers as well as the phlox. The fly from the feeders to the flowers continually.


 It is an interesting happening with the automatic camera as it focuses well on the foreground and the reddish flower has a blur.  Red sometimes is hard to get focuse on the automatic but when it is in the background it is definitely blurred. 

A semi focused example of a multicolored zinnia. It has interesting colors and the recycled seed can give one lots of different undetermined colors when you replant year to year. 

I mowed too long and it was too hot yesterday. I hit the shower to cool off immediately as I could tell I wasn't going to cool down just because I was inside.  I mowed my neighbor's front yard and one side yard, I then mowed my backyard.  As I viewed the weather report the temps felt ten to fifteen degrees warmer because of the high humidity. I won't mow like that again. I will just break it up into parts. I had promised the neighbor to do her front  yard and I did do it. 

Thanks for stopping by this Sunday.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Mowing with a push mower is hard work in the heat. I am thankful for a riding mower. Your Zinnias are just stunning! Stay cool!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Nice flowers, I have never used a lawn mower