Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday’s Stuff…

This is an iris that grows on the top of a hill  of the Murray. Iowa Cemetery. I took one rhizome from a large clump of these. It took many years but it is so hardy that it still grows at the old place and now many places at the new place. We went to a funeral a year ago up on that hill where Max was buried.

This iris is a hardy variety that is easy to transplant. I’ve  planted it in three places around our new place.

The trees always grow along waterways. This is the line along the Des Moines River. The river is full after three years of drought. People could cross the river by walking on sand and wade through four inches of water.

 I did see the moon again this morning but I couldn’t get it captured. It is a nice subtle sky though with power lines and trees.

I have lots of things to do this week. I need to get the house cleaned for a home visit of therapists and Della.
I have a stair railing to build on our steps in the garage to help Della. Things to help her as she finishes rehabbing at home need to get done. She has improved so much that she can be independent in our house even though I will be helping. I have an appointment with a company to install a walk-in shower in our main bathroom. We both need it as I still have some balance problems from my stoke five years ago. I am blaming stroke even though old age could be the actual factor. Della comes home on the 31st! It’s a good feeling to see some finality to her coming home.


Far Side of Fifty said...

hope you can get all the projects done to make it easier for Della to be at home. Take it easy, hire a house cleaning company they will have the house ready in no time:)

Val Ewing said...

This will be great!

Yes, a walk in shower is so helpful. I had one installed in MIL's place with a seat in it for her and all the grab bars.

Your iris flowers are amazing.

The Furry Gnome said...

Sounds like what Mrs. F.G. went through before I could come home - a ramp, 2 lifts and a roll-in shower for me. All were essential if I was to live at home.