Saturday, June 1, 2024

Some Things…Fix it Chris!!

I bought hardy geraniums for the front yard flower bed. Sadly the salvia is taking over that bed. I have to do some clearing of it so other colors of flowers can be seen there. What made think of thinning it was the sight of a neighbor’s with it filled all in completely of salvia.

The strong wind sent the neighbor’s backyard children’s playhouse and slide for quite a tumble. That was a few days ago when it happened but I just noticed it this afternoon.

 While being outside with the internet repair guy, I snapped photos. The chives loved the rains and did put out lots of blooms. The installers of the neighbor’s new internet line severed our line. The guy mumbled and cursed to someone on his phone at the office abut the screwup. He just chattered endlessly even when I was not about their watching. Once things were spliced he was off. It was actually two hours later.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Salvia and Geraniums are two of my favorite flowers...
What a faux paux with the repairman, although it happens.

Val Ewing said...

Our phone and internet come in on the same line and they had to replace everything about 7 years ago. The first phone line was laid under the driveway and after years, got chewed up by the gravel.

Beautiful yard! Our chives are happy and blossoming also!