Thursday, June 6, 2024


 The rains have made my hostas grow larger than I have seen in years. This was planted there for a cople of  years and it spills out and over the wall. 

The salvia blows in the wind showing a reat set of blooms on these plants.  I have mentioned before how I am discouraged as to how the plant has taken over the whole garden area.  I didn't plant it there but I have seen it invade and crowd out so many good plants. 

The yucca is getting ready to put out a great set of blooms. I moved that plant from my old place and planted it in the rock garden area of the planter.  It has grown heartily in that location. 

I buy plants and have an idea as to where I want to plant them and then I plant them somewhere else. I like this kind of petunia but it seems like it has a lot of stems and isn't going to spread now that I have planted it. I will wait and see. I found moss rose this year and have planted some of it with this.  I will plant the rest together in a container. 

I have yard areas to mow again today. I will be home now and can do it with ease. My wife and I are so much enjoying the peace and quiet of our home.  The nursing home has much of the same noise qualities of a hospital.  The workers stand in the hallway and yell back and forth to each other. Someone leaves his radio on all night or a fire alarm goes off accidentally. Della is enjoying the freedom of going to all parts of the house as she has mastered the walker use in good fashion.  Life is so much better.  She does have a surgery yet to have done in her future but getting healthy and strong is the goal for now. I can cook some and I can find plenty of places to pick up food that she likes to help her gain weight. Cherry pie and ice cream was her treat last night after supper.  Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Good to hear that Della is doing well at home! Your plants are all looking good!

Val Ewing said...

I'm so glad to hear that Della is doing great at home. I bet it is such a relief to have her back!

Your flowers are looking incredible!

Sandra said...

Hi, Larry. I came to visit from Far Sides blog. I really like the beauty of your blog. I will be back. It must be really wonderful to have your wife home after all this time.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

I love the salvia- I have several different colours in my gardens. My gardens are so jam packed, it doesn't get a chance to take over!

Granny Marigold said...

I've popped over from Farside's blog. Looking at some of your older posts I'm impressed by your pretty Irises.
I hope all goes well for your dear one now that's she's home.
Granny Marigold

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

Nice photos, I am glad Della is at home and doing as well as she can do