Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday in the Sun.....

 The front yard Knock Out roses are starting to rebloom again.  They are smaller even thoush they take on an appearance of a T-rose. 

When the multiples show up then you have a different kind of flower head. The reblooming is a little slow so things won;t get to be really showy for a few more weeks.

I really like my newest host purchase.  I divided it into three parts, giving one of them away to a collector friend.  I need to keep it watered but have failed to do so. We did get some rains that helped it.

Plans for the future will include moving this day lily. It has become crowded out or maybe hidden with the ever flourishing cottage garden phlox and asiatic lilies.  I guess it needs to be marked for moving after it blooms.

When I was planting the hostas next to the posts I had no idea how great it would turn out as a garden feature as all fills in to their spaces. 

I mowed the front yard this morning. It needed it as it was getting shaggy. I also worked on an invention to get the William Baffin rose up off of the ground. I could trim the bush back but it really is better with trusses helping to keep it off the ground. 

It is not completely fixed but it is a start. I will still probably have to cut out some canes and thin it out a bit. The problem is that if it is budding and blooming I really don't want to cut on it. 

It is a noisy afternoon as our one neighbors has ever so many family members in their pool  It is nice to see it is getting used though as it sat unused a lot last year. It is like living next to the public pool.  We now have three different people with backyard pools. 

Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your patio is really filling in, I bet it is a nice place to sit!