Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Stuff....

 The house finch is standing firm on the top of the post.  He had just been fluttered at by a baby bird. 

The earlier photo shows the fluttering going on by a baby house finch. There is a time when the adults just stop feeding them and they see protesting from their fledglings. 

At the same time a goldfinch is sharing the feeder with another young female house finch. I rarely see the goldfinch but I guess he really likes the shelled sunflower seeds.

I am thinking this is a white phlox but it is slow in putting out all the hundreds of flowers. 

The phlox have really multiplied in my back cottage garden. It is a lot of color out there.  I have to go out and right the birdbath as the racoon once again tries to get a drink of water.  We have three pools in our neighbor's backyards. The statts say that two out of three pools are having parties today. 
Thanks for stopping by today......


Val Ewing said...

I only have pink phlox but the neighbor down the road with white phlox has them out by her mailbox and they are really quite full.
I don't know if the amount of sunlight makes a huge difference or not!

I love seeing the fledglings, they are so funny!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

That first little finch is do damn cute

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hope you are doing okay Larry. Phlox can be picky about water and light!