It is a year od proving that gingerbread is a good material to use for building. The grandkids and my wife and I got to do this last year during their visit.
Our son and his wife from Maine sent us a Christmas wreath. It is made up of fresh greens and smells so great. There are tiny lights on the thing but I have to find some batteries to get them going. We keep it on the sun room door so it last years lasted for months before it dries out. The star fish are a great way to decorate them. The company is from Maine so thr real starfish are from the ocean.
I set up my wife's tree for angels and she has started the task to cover the tree with angel themed ornaments. I moved things around in the living room to find room for it in the living room corner.
The plants got moved out of the way and placed under the Capernaum photo. They don't look bad there but they will be in low light for a month. The Capernaum view is from the ancient city in Israel and is overlooking the Sea of Galilee.
We are having a very windy day today. It is noisy and sounds like trucks going by the house continually. I had to remove my dead battery from my Buick this morning and go buy a new one. I got to take the truck out on the road and blow off its dust. I had to go on youtube to figure out how to get things taken apart and then put back together. It isn't as easy as it use to be as they design the battery with covers to avoid any spark explosions between the positive and negative posts. The battery just barely fits into the plastic case and I at first thought I had the wrong new battery. With a lot of wiggling a very heavy object it did finally slip into its space. The car started turning on lights and the radio when I put the final negative connection to the post. It is a good thing I didn't have to call a tow truck and have someone else do it. I didn['t mention that I have some new aches and pains now.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Pretty Wreath! Windy here too the wind howled all day:(
Yikes, that battery changing sounded like a lot of work. On my last oil change they recommended I change my battery and it cost me a pretty penny but I had it done. I take the battery out of the 4 wheeler each year and it...IS heavy, that is a small one!
Your decorating is coming along nicely!
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