Friday, January 3, 2025

Freezing Friday.....





Friday is a very cold day. We woke up to 14 degrees F. this morning.  It isn't going to warm up much and the furnace will keep on cranking. I will venture out for groceries this afternoon, even though it won't be much warmer.  The first Christmas tree is now down and all ornaments are put away for that one.  I may start another one tomorrow but I am not it any hurry. 

Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

14 is quite warm! We were below zero this morning up here and it is windy. I am staying put for at least three days need to go out as we did grocery shopping this morning!

KCD said...

You are way ahead of us. We dilly and dally around taking ours down, but usually have the job done by February. Not much goes on around our place in the "blah" months of Jan and Feb, waiting for March and the daffodils start to come up.