Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 It hung in our dining room of our old house. We brought it with us even though we moved to a newer house. We found a wall on the entrance to our kitchen the gave it a good fit. 

It is full of memories of our 40 plus years ago. This was a present back in 1984 for our wedding. Precious Moments were really popular back then with the figures with their big eyes.

Other pieces given to my wife as a gift.  The fisherman has a fish that is wearing a bow tie.

Other items not of the same company has a boy holding onto his smiling lamb.  That series was a group of farm boys doing different things.

There are dishes of old in the cupboard as well as this boy with his apple and duck.

There are too many things to share today so I will stop with the cup and bell with a hand painted quail. We have warm weather again today with 58 degrees F. The sunshine looks good and it feels like spring. I have tulips up and they can be covered with snow and ice easily.  Thanks for stopping by today

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