Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuesday Afternoon.......

The grass really is that green.  I need to mowing it again.  I am going to be doing that on another day as we are sporting 88% humidity with 89 degree F.  I worked outside this morning up at the old place and had to just stop early as it was just too overwhelming.

The zinnias are showing their wear and tear from the seasons changing. They live only a certain time and then they just die. They have a neat sculptural form as they fade. From the past two years I remember that I pick one last big bouquet and then cut them all down. I have a couple of more bags of dirt to fill in onto the area when they are done.
The view looking back does look a little more worn away with more dead flowers.  I am looking for a weather vane, small, to put on the finial. It will have to be just the right size or it will look dumb.

This iris nurses makes me happy.  I don’t have all of my cemetery iris and these are small sprouts from the old place that might be a couple of those varieties. I will need to replant them elsewhere but by next spring I might see them bloom and see what I did save. It looks a little weedy but it jus needs some fine tuning with hand weeding.

I took time to pick some of my cherry red tomatoes and cherry yellow tomatoes. It takes a lot of time to pick the little ones. I almost need to do each day as they are going bad on me. I am glad we gave a lot of tomatoes away on Sunday as two people can only eat so many of them and we don’t can them. I plant them for the season to enjoy and also for the giving too.
I bought a new weed eater so that I won’t have to mess with these cords ever again.  It has a head on it for chopping out weeds and I don’t have to be plugged in when I do that.  It works well for chopping but there still a lot of work involved.  I made a dent in the whole of things this morning and I will just have to keep at it to get things cleaned up before it snows. It will help me to clear away peonies and weeds at the same time.  The new machine is a smaller version of the big gasoline powered that they sell and it seems to be big enough for an old guy to use.
Thanks for stopping by today.  Everyone stay safe and I hope all is well.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Your Cottage Garden is lovely, I have enjoyed seeing it over the summer:) Hot and humid here too...no fun :(

Laurel Wood said...

I hope the new weed eater will be helpful. Good luck finding just the right finial; that will be a great addition. We have many leaves dying and just falling to the ground due to the heat.