Friday, September 13, 2024

Around the Place…

The artist painted a pair of abstract paintings of fruit. The two belong together. I am sure the artist didn’t plan on them to be hung at the end of a vending machine hallway in a hospital.



Far Side of Fifty said...

The floor in the cafeteria looks very interesting! Hope you bust Della out of there soon!

Val Ewing said...

Well for one thing, the hospital sure is attractive. Maybe not so much for the patients though.

KCD said...

As long as they pay me for my work, they can hang them anywhere they want. At least there it is out in the public view, where a lot of folks can enjoy it (as much as you can enjoy anything in a hospital) rather than on a poorly lit location in somebody's home. Most hospitals have a lot of nice artwork on display, and I do enjoy looking at it whenever I have to visit one of those places for Dr. appts and the occasional dreaded "procedure". Procedure: noun A form of torture that is supposedly good for you.