Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunny Day…

My past shots of the sun showed the sun right in the middle between the two buildings. As the earth keeps tilting back the sun is peaking from behind the one structure.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sat Stuff….

I spent the night at the hospital so this morning I drove home to clean up and feed the birds and fish. I ran outside to pick tomatoes to rescue them from the chipmunks. I had my phone with me so I snapped a few shots. 


 In the main lobby of the hospital is a place for young children to play.  I like all the different forms and this bird is so well designed. The surfaces are smooth like fiberglass and young ones can just climb or slide all over their surfaces. The bird looks like a cartoon illustration with its minimal but happy expression. One time I saw a dad who was down on the floor crawling around like a worm with his kids.

Doing my blog on the cell phone just drives me crazy. It is too challenging as it controls things in such a disgusting way. I guess if I would just share one image it would simplify things.
My wife is better. The side developments from the initial surgery are getting to be so much better. The infection is gone but the are being cautious to be sure nothing new happens. At one she had a lot of drain tubes and now she is down to three.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Around the Place…

The artist painted a pair of abstract paintings of fruit. The two belong together. I am sure the artist didn’t plan on them to be hung at the end of a vending machine hallway in a hospital.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Morning of Thursday…

It seemed large and very close to the earth this morning but the cell phone camera diminishes it instead.

The sun is shining with a clear sky this morning.

 The view out of the hospital cafeteria shows the side views of buildings and parking ramp. The sun doesn’t come into focus here.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Garden Retreat….

The balcony created on the top of one of the flat tops of the hospital gives them a great gardening space.


 The different varieties of flowers create their own unique look.   The date of blog says Tuesday but actually I did it Wednesday at 12:40 am.

Tuesday….Same O

A photo taken of an Iowan landscape. Knowing the artist who took the shot, it was a planned prairie garden near Winterset, Iowa.

Sometimes one can just get lucky to catch a good shot. My own sunflower display in my backyard.


Bucket boy continues to watch over the petunias. 

Monday, September 9, 2024


My wife came in to have her gallbladder removed. They will not discharge her until all signs of infection are gone. The 1970s architecture is amazing with its two identical wings connected by a box shaped center one.

A common sight is the tech med cart in the hallways of the hospital. It took me a long time to figure out what that orange part was. They stash all the spent needles in it.

I would have hoped for one of the mammoth sunflowers to grow but seed must have been bad. I do like these multiple headed variety.

 The breakfast that I had earlier wasn’t enough for me. When I went to get my morning coffee while at the hospital I had to get a cranberry muffin. My diabetic meter said I could eat half of it.

I added excitement yesterday early morning by me being taken to the ER. I ate bad taco meat and fought it all night to be rid of it. To shorten the story I spent three hours there in a closet room being monitored. Della was to have a procedure done that morning. So a friend of ours came in while I went home. I am fine today. My wife has added drains to help clear infection. I don’t know when this will be finished but my wife is one tough person.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

September Blooms….

 The rose keeps putting out great blooms. I need to dead head it just in case I have time for another set of blooms. Have a great Saturday.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Hospital Art….

Downtown Des Moines recreated by a local artist from a photograph.

 View of downtown Des Moines from the east looking west.
Explanation of the artwork is below.

 Art is scattered throughout all the hallways. Some are reproductions of old masters. Other works like this one is created by local artists. Most of them are computer generated in which a photo that they have taken is manipulated with color changes and great creative textures. Technology allows them to enlarge it and print it.

We are still at the hospital. Soon is the non-definite word.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024





It is a busy day. They are finishing up the walk in shower this morning. The lead carpenter asked when I was going to paint in here. It looks like that I will have to paint right away as one of my towel racks was rendered too close to the shower. There are gaping holes.  I have the holes in the wall to fill in and it needed to be done anyway.  We didn't pick out the color in there. The only room we had to repaint right away when we bought the house was the bedroom, which was painted a yellow green. It looked like they had painted over a bright green to tone it down. My wife is still in the hospital at this point. Her returning home is dependent on some of her results with blood work. She is stronger every day after two major procedures being done to her. 

I will be with her this afternoon to see what the doctor is going to say.  He appears to be a little protective of her right now and may not let her go home today.

Thanks for stopping by today.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


A hospital view later evening as I walk the hospital halls. We are finally getting our walk in shower installed. I drive between the house and hospital to keep things going. A friend house sit for a couple of hours which helped out a lot. The finish the install tomorrow morning.

I sent a shot of the small sunflowers, top view from above on the deck. They grow on the opposite end of the raised bed along with the four tomato plants.

 The knock out rose bush is sparsely reblooming. The colors are always sharp and vibrant.

Monday, September 2, 2024