Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Moon News....


 The quiet moon is full with the whole earth being lighted by its reflection of light from the sun. I didn't see any eclipse. I did enjoy seeing the glow and the full moon is always wonderful to see. 

We are home from a 20 day stay at the hospital. She was greeted with flowers from here grandkids and their parents. It was a marvelous bouquet with so many varieties of flowers. 

The healing power of quiet is amazing. We spent so much time at the hospital being bombarded by well meaning people doing their jobs. No three in the morning wake ups from the lab people to draw blood. Full lights are turned on off and on all night.  Screaming Carol was there for most all of the stay as the poor woman's mind was angry and she screamed about doing the laundry and also being mistreated. Quiet is a being not just a word. We live in a quiet neighborhood even though their are traffic noises off in the distance or jet planes flying over in the middle of the night but none of them are a continue bombardment of peace. 

My wife is feeling so much better.  She had developed an infection that could not be found but she had to stay until her white count was normal. The surgery was on the first day of the twenty days and we came home with a few drains to maintain. She will need to return for two different appointments to have the drains removed and another to have a stent removed.  She is strong enough to walk with or without her walker.  She lost a lot of weight again and I will encourage her to eat as often as possible. Everyday is going to be a time for good sleep and healing. It is so nice to be at home. 

I mowed the back yard today as it was so long overdue. The backyard gets a lot of shade so it was tall and green back there. In the front it is a different story. We are going into dried grass season and we need to have rain. I could spot mow some areas in the front. We are getting hot days again but we do cool off at night. I missed blogging yesterday. It was a settling in time. I am so glad to be able to blog on my laptop again. Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

So glad you have Della home with you, now for rest and healing and getting back to normal!

KCD said...

Tell her for me it is good to have her back home again and perhaps you can return to some semblance of normalcy again. Please keep you great pictures coming, I check in every day, but don't comment too much.