Monday, October 28, 2013

Feels Like Monday!

The maple did change to red at the top.  I was concerned that it would stay brown and not turn.  I really do need to find some new material to share.  I am not wanting to be blogging trees forever.  When tree pictures is all that I have then that is it. This photo reminds me of the wild flower called paintbrush which I have seen in Minnesota.

The digital camera insists that it is this color.  I guess the sunlight really reflects back the red and the green.  I tried to photoshop it back a little so it wouldn't be so intense and I didn't succeed. This is the revived grass that spent the one month being dried out and crispy. 

I am certain that these blooms are gone by now.  We had 29 degrees F. last night and that should have sent them on their way.  I like how you can see some of the weeds are still hanging in there. They have not picked the cornfield as of today but I bet it will be done soon.  We had a short rainy period that slowed things down so they will get to it after they get their larger fields picked.

You may remember when I posted this showing the corn field in the middle or late summer.  I assumed that what you see in the distance was a large patch of corn planted in a different direction.  It actually was beans as the horizon is picked down to soil and is now a brownish dirt color.

I was called in today to be an English teacher for the high school. My future is planned out and I will be a math teacher for the next couple of days. I still have a little outside work to do so I hope we warm up again one or two more days.  We are allowed to burn in town in the fall and I save everything in piles to burn them during November.  I could take them to a town dump area but they also burn them out there.  I guess I would like to eliminate the hauling process so I usually burn. 

I hope all are doing well.  Thanks for stopping by today.


Far Side of Fifty said...

You have some pretty last blooms. The corn isn't dry enough up here yet. The farmers are waiting:)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Looks like fall is well on its way in your part of the country, Larry, whereas we fare still airing for some colors in our backyard.