Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Changing Sky Patterns.......

Tuesday Evening and the cold air was messing with the clouds. I don’t know what causes this but I have seen it before, mostly on cold days.

I walk in to a store to buy a 1 by 10 that is 8 feet long.  I walk out with this too.  I picked the same batch last year at a very low price. One can never have enough color, sparkle and shine. I suppose I can find some tree to put them on next year. Yes, I know that I need to go to rehab for this ornament addiction.  Thank you for stopping by today.  Have a great day.


Laurel Wood said...

Those are very shiny/colorful ornaments! You must be working on a new project with the wood.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Happy New Year, Larry, and your "addiction" is very colorful and indeed shiny. I will be looking forward to seeing those decos somewhere in your Christmas displays this coming December...Yikes is it too early to be thinking of that now?

Far Side of Fifty said...

I don’t think there is a rehab facility for ornament carry on!