Thursday, December 22, 2011

Photos on Parade.......

A repeat sharing of the photo of my Italian snowman.  My sister in law Linda gave me this a few years back.

It is a busy time of the year and I have one last day today to be at school.  Yesterday I had to pinch hit for a teacher who was vomiting in the bathroom and just had to go home.  The semester tests  in Math were all laid out for me so I just acted like I knew what I was doing.  He was very ill and contagious I am certain but I resolve not to pick it up from him. Today I am giving the rest of the Math finals.  We are giving the tests in one and a half hour blocks so the students have ample time to finish their tests.

We worked on our framing of the two burlap seed corn bags last night.  I am out of school early today and so will be back at it hoping to have them done before the sun sits tonight.

I am glad you can stop be to visit my post.


The Musical Gardener said...

Sounds like you have the Math department all under control.

Grade 8 all week for me, although yesterday was a snow day (we never got a flake, or a drop of freezing rain as predicted - just lots and lots of rain).

Keep those hands sanitized and away from orifices. Stay well through the season.

Rae said...

Stay safe and healthy. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Get lots of rest so you can fight off any germs you may have picked up and clean everything!!!!

Thanks for sharing the ornaments.

Merry Christmas!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Lysol wipes might be a good accessory to take to school..I hope you escape the puking part:)