Friday, October 20, 2023

End of the Week....

 As the sun sets, the distant trees are illuminated. I didn't realize the sky looked like that as I was just in a hurry to shoot the photo.  

Most of the trees with the best colors are still seen at a distance. Some of our local area trees will look brighter soon. 

It is a work zone when you see the recycle bag out in the yard. I have a lot more to clear but I will only do a little each day.   I trimmed down more iris this morning and took out some dead zinnias. I mowed the back half of the yard today which included mulching up fallen leaves from the maple.  It is a cold day and I wear lots of layers at first when I was out there.  Long sleeved shirt was the choice while I mowed the same area.  

Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

You will get it all cleaned up before it snows! We may get some snow next week...hopefully we are far enough away so the forecast will change!