Thursday, January 4, 2018

Thursday Morning...

I had to go take this shot between oatmeal and toast. I knew it would be gone quickly.  My wife was curious and she too took her camera out on the deck in freezing cold temperatures. I mentioned that the sun will start to appear next to the house soon and it has mad a visual move.  As the earth keeps tilting back the sun will be showing up over by the top of that pine tree.

From the deck the night before I tried to shoot the star on the fake tree out there. The neighbors lights a whole block over shows up making a great background. I see that just this season he has lost some red bulbs in his line of lights.

I have tried to make motion shots and have not succeeded with this camera.  So while I was trying to take the above shot I saw this great pattern show up on my viewing screen.  I don't have a clue as to how it was done. The lights on the porch railing seemed to make a great scalloped design.

We had a friend who is a painter that had us frame some of his work. One time he visited he explained that he was working on a painting then intentionally put a hole in the canvas. He was so mad that he broke up the frame to help feed his fire in the fireplace.

In my exaggerated manner, I was going to say on this blog that if you see smoke in my backyard, you might see this display rack disappearing in flames.  I have tried to do in every step of the work in such an accurate way. I have stayed at a very slow methodical working pace. Right now I have assembled this minus the shelves. It has a twist in it, even though I assembled it on a very flat table. I am not certain that the shelves being added now will actually straighten it out. It has spent the night flat on its back with weights on it to see if the wood will correct some one piece that is warped.  I can’t explain how discouraging that it is right now but I will stick to it.

I bought a few more pieces of wood for the shelf this morning,  so I must be going to keep it.  Some more small ornaments were on a good sale and my wife did add a nice piece to her village. We haven’t added to the village for a long time. We also visited a crafts store and we bought supplies. It was nice to get outside and I do think we both are getting use to this severe cold. I bought a new flannel shirt so I can retire one of my older ones. Winter can start to be too long at this time of the year. We will get up to melting on Sunday so our cold is going to leave for a while   Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Larry, I expected to see some photos of snow on your post, but it seems you are NOT getting any part of the storm pummeling the east coast including us in Nashua, NH. No worries as we are safely inside our apt and the cars are parked underground. We did not add any more decorations or village pieces this year and purposely stayed away from any and all post-holiday sales, plus it was just too darn cold to go out!