Saturday, October 19, 2024

Saturday Morn....


The full moon has been easy to see with our clear skies at night. It is like you think that you left on your porch light.


Evidence of our clear sky is seen even in the mornings. We are having unseasonably warm weather. It is giving us time to get our out of door's work done.

Indoors, I finally got some shades hung on the southeast corner of our sun room. They are the perfect shade as the light is diffused and we don't have the direct glare of the sun.  Because our house sits at a 30-60 degree angle to the world the sun eventually raises over our roof and we don't have the problem. The photo actually only shows the first shade that I installed and the second one was put up after I took the shot. 

The display on the sun room wall looks like this. I guess there was an unintentional theme here with the birds and water. I like the bird painting done by my wife and everything seems to just fill in around that idea. A couple of things on the shelves are off theme but the white smallest shell is from Israel.

I bought some soil yesterday and I am going to use it to plant my tulip bulbs. I am starting a new flower bed by putting the tulips down and pouring the soil on top of them. I did buy an auger to use with my power drill to plant some other bulbs around on the property.  We are in such a drought that the soil is as hard as cement.  I also have new recycle bags to stuff full of my zinnia plant stems and leaves. I have ten bags full from the early spring to now so I will keep adding to my number.  I store the full bags in the back of my truck. In two weeks I can freely dump them all aat the city's dozen of dumpsters north of here in a big parking lot. Free is always good even though I could pay for them to be pickup during the year. 

I have been adjusting to my root canal work. I have jaw pain and tooth pain but it is minimal compared to an infected tooth which I don't have. On Thursday they will even up the lopsided tooth and fit me for a cap. I having things fixed that were long overdue. 

Thanks for checking in today.

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