Saturday, October 12, 2024

Saturday Stuff....

 The morning sky started off cloudy and not sun could be seen. An hour later the sun finally shined through it all.

Out of sequence this was my early morning shot with it being dark and gray out there.

I was out this morning clearing away some peony bushes. The ground is so hard around here. To say it feels like cement is a good description. We went without rain the past last month. I am using my lighter weight weed eater to clear out unwanted grass and take out some of the spent flowers. You can see in  this photo that we are turning brown. I am concerned about how I am going to plant my tulip bulbs.  I may have to plant them in my raised beds as that soil has less clay in it and the soil seems looser. I guess I could shrink my zinnia patch a little aat one end. 

It isn't a pretty sight but I cut back my Russian sage and put it in this watering can. I don't leave it to winter over as it doesn't stand up well anyway so I don't want it to sag around in the snow. I have a little left to clear in the front strip garden but mostly I did get it done.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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