Friday, February 6, 2009

An old painting of mine....

I am originally a farm boy from Southern Iowa and I grew up with a red, rustic barn. It was a sheep barn in style. This is an oil painting that I created fifteen years ago. I sketched the structure from an old magazine picture of a barn and silo. The painting never sold from out of our gallery, I really don't understand why, but I really never wanted it to be sold anyway. One person was interested in it but the cows were the wrong breed of cows. It is an image that I like to have around the house but I think I will put a new frame on it and see what happens to it.
Red is one of my favorite colors and architecture of any building interests me. I am interested in the solid shapes that form buildings. I can appreciate modern architecture just as much as traditional, historical buildings. In fact, our own house is 104 years old. It is a traditional T-shaped farm house in style. Even though it is old, I like living in a piece of history. I blogged earlier about a porch that I just recently built on the front of the house. A few years ago I had a garden shed built with a shed roof to look like a old carriage house. It goes well with the house.
I was asked the other day if I painted, and I guess you will see me digging out some of my paintings and showing them off. My style of painting varies from time to time but I guess you would call me a semi-realistic painter. I do some impressionistic work as well. My subject matters is diverse. I do have a large body of work from plein air painting in Minnesota. You will have to wait and see what will be seen next.
Thanks for reading my blog.

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